You’re not home schooling


It’s been ages since I wrote a blog but I’m really sad to see the posts and hear comments from friends saying how stressed they are about school work. Some feel there is way too much work and too many emails. Others feel just as strongly that there is not enough of either. I’m writing to tell you – please don’t worry about school.

Not even kidding.

Stop it.

You decide how much work you want your child to do. You decide what schedule you want your child to follow. You can use the tasks supplied by your child’s teacher a little each day or all on one day or not at all. You can feel free to go on the internet and get as many worksheets as you like and load up your child’s day to keep them busy. My caution is this – please do not accidentally stamp out any joy for learning your child may have.

Please do not add stress and anxiety to your child who is currently living in a world full of stress and anxiety.

Here’s the thing….

The whole world of education is on pause. No one is falling behind because no one is moving forward.

Everything is going to be ok. Kids will be ok. Parents will get through this and we will all come together to make sure we all come out on the other side in one piece. There are so many things to be anxious about in this uncertain time in a very real, global way I sincerely want everyone to hear this – please don’t worry about school!!!!

Teachers are providing learning tasks that are meant to maintain skills your kids already have. We are obligated to provide some work for you that focuses on literacy and numeracy (and health and core competencies). There should be NOTHING sent to kids that they don’t (mostly) already know how to do.

You are not home schooling!!! You are parenting. Just be a parent. Have some fun with kids. Do some learning together. Schedule their day with chores and fun and outdoor time and downtime and a little learning. In many ways the most important learning in life does not ever happen in a school. You already knew that though.

Please know that teachers are not being lazy when they do not provide a schedule of 5 hours of work each day for your child. Teachers are providing exactly what the Ministry of Education has tasked them with in this unprecedented time. What you don’t see is the daily on-line meetings they are having with their principals, with each other, with individual kids and with their whole class when they can. They are missing your kids so much and they are working to do what they have been asked to do – completely change their job expectations overnight, which they are doing with grace and caring.

We know for sure that staying connected with your class and teacher – having that continued sense of belonging and community, is important for your child’s mental health right now. Doing some literacy and numeracy work will help keep those skills up for when we get the green light to start “school” again. If you can help your child stay connected and encourage them to read each day, it’s going to help. If you can’t, we will not leave anyone behind when we are able to open the school again and welcome everyone back.

There is a lot to be anxious about right now. Please don’t add an expectation to ‘home school” to the list. No one is asking you to do that. Here’s a link to the Ministry website offering alternate activities for you to do with kids:

Take a breath. “School” is on pause. We want to stay connected. We want to maintain skills kids already have. We want everyone to know we miss them and love them. When we come back we will carry on together.

Until then, stay well!


What do letter grades have to do with learning?


I wanted to take some time to share more about the change in our reporting practices that were shared in a letter home (also posted on the website).

As you are aware, the Ministry of Education has implemented a redesigned Provincial curriculum in schools. This curriculum places emphasis on personal learning by providing students more opportunities to follow their interests, set goals and reflect on their learning. The foundation of the curriculum is that mastery of concepts requires students to understand, know and do. To learn more about the BC Curriculum please visit the Ministry of Education curriculum webpage ( ).

As curriculum has changed, so do the ways we assess, evaluate and report on student learning. Teachers will be communicating your student’s learning using the following proficiency scale along with comments.

Comments will include:

  • What your child is able to do in relation to learning standards
  • Areas to work on in relation to learning standards
  • Ways your child can be supported in their learning.

Our focus will be on determining where your child is in relation to curriculum learning standards, what their next steps are, and how we can help them get there. Students will be active participants and take ownership of their learning through goal setting and self-assessment.

Moving forward, letter grades will no longer be a part of reporting for grades 4-7 in our district (they never were a part of K – 3). The district and Ministry of Education are currently reviewing the value of letter grads at high school as well. Instead, the above scale will be used in place of letter grades.

We are moving away from the use of letter grades, as there is a substantial amount of research indicating that letter grades are detrimental to student learning. As well, letter grades can often be subjective, while not truly communicating progress your child has made in relation to learning objectives.

Contrary to what many of us have traditionally believed, the research indicates that:

  • Grades tend to reduce students’ interest in learning itself
  • Grades tend to reduce students’ preference for challenging tasks
  • Grades tend to reduce the quality of students’ thinking

According to Alfie Kohn, just one educational researcher, letter grades are not only unnecessary but harmful.

“The research quite clearly shows that kids who are graded – and have been encouraged to try to improve their grades – tend to lose interest in the learning itself, avoid challenging tasks whenever possible (in order to maximize the chance of getting an A), and think less deeply than kids who aren’t graded,” Kohn explains. “The problem isn’t with how we grade, nor is it limited to students who do especially well or poorly in school; it’s inherent to grading.”

Here’s the thing…

Letter grades limit learning for high achievers. It lends a false sense of comfort and accomplishment to parents and students for a child to be an A student. What if they already understood all the course content from the beginning? They traditionally would get an A, but would have not really learned anything. Being smart is having the ability to think about content, problem solve, communicate thinking and question information. However, some of the smartest people I know did not do well in school. Sound familiar?

Also, some of our hardest working students, who grow the most and learn the most are deflated by letter grades that do not reflect their thinking and learning.

Many of the important skills we’re asking students to learn are not easily measurable in traditional ways. In addition to strong foundational skills, we want students to be proficient in competencies and concepts that will lead to success. Important skills like collaboration and critical thinking do not lend themselves to numerical scoring and letter grades, but rather to descriptions about how proficiently students can accomplish these skills.

If learning is what we care about, then we need to move to a system that allows us to describe learning. Learning is a continuum. We are never done learning. We all have things we are good at and we all have things we need to work on next. This scale allows us the freedom to describe your child’s learning in a more meaningful way.

Please don’t try to match letter grades with this performance scale. We are no longer talking about As and Bs. We are talking about where your child is in their learning, where they are going next and how we will support them along the way.

Hopefully with this background you will better understand the changes you will see. If you still have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


There is more to school than academics.


I have spent this week at the school with teachers learning and planning together. We are all SO excited to get to school Tuesday and see the kids! I’m dead serious. It is electric when the staff all come back from a long holiday and they all want to be here. They love their jobs and I love them as a staff. They are the most caring, thoughtful group of people I could be lucky enough to work with.

I have met with several families in the past few weeks, giving tours for kids who just need to see the school one more time before the first day. For all of you who have kids who are a little nervous, please remind them that nervous and excited are the same physical feeling. It’s the mindset that is different. If you can change “I am scared” to “I am excited” by focusing on what is going to be good, then you feel better about school starting.

Teachers are planning so that each child is considered and honoured. It’s our job to meet your child right where they are and move each of them forward in their social, emotional, physical and academic growth. Teachers will be spending the first weeks to create a culture of caring and learning in their classrooms and a sense of community with their kids. Do not expect a lot of worksheets or projects in the first month!

Our maintenance department have been working tirelessly to create a welcoming, safe, kid-friendly space. They take so much pride in making sure our building and school grounds are in the best condition possible for our students and we all appreciate them so much!

We will all be here to welcome you all back on Tuesday. We need you to know we have this. We’ve got them. We can’t wait. You make sure you turn “I’m nervous” to “I’m excited”, too.  Aside from the challenge of making lunches each day, you should be feeling good about your children returning to our care at school next week.

There is much more to school than academics. We know it and we live it here. We care about your child as a person and intend to spend the year helping him/her grow as a person.

Can’t wait to see you all Tuesday morning!



Why is it so hard?


Why is it always so hard?
It feels like we are always struggling with the new stuff and with each other. Like there’s always something new and different. Like there’s always something changing. Big philosophical changes. Changes in cultures. New rules. New forms. New people. New procedures. New curriculum. It makes us all very uncomfortable and scared and angry. Why does it have to be so hard? Why can’t things just stay the same?

Here’s the thing.

We all want things to be better for our kids. I know you want that because I do too for my own child and for each child in our school and in our community.

Every educator i know wants that.

Every parent I know wants that.

We also, as human beings, want the comfort of sameness. We know how to deal with what we are familiar with even if it’s not what’s best. “Better the devil you know” goes the saying.

Maintaining the status quo at school is not what’s best. It’s not what I was hired to do. There is so much research – proof of what can be better. We have a much better idea of what matters in learning.

It’s hard because that means recognizing we need to change. That means we have to take time to understand these findings as parents and teachers. It’s much easier to feel angry – believe me, I know. I fall into that trap as well.

This work we need to do – to seek understanding – it’s good work. Rewarding and exciting, but it’s hard. There are misunderstandings and misconceptions and hurt feelings.

No one is saying that the ways we have been familiar with are all bad. However, we need to think about the why. Why have we always done things that way? There are good reasons for some things and we should keep doing those. If our only reason is “because we’ve always done it that way” then we need to stop until we find a better reason.

Theses are our kids. We need to do better than the status quo. We need to be brave enough to ask why and to do better. Why are things changing? The answers are interesting if you’re able to hear them.

Why is it so hard? Because they are our kids and just about everything I know about being a parent and a teacher is hard. Let’s work together on doing the good hard stuff.

I look forward to the hard conversations and coming to a better understanding of each other.

Please call or come in any time.


Making mistakes and lessons learned


I’ve taken a break from blogging for a bit as I’ve had more to do than I’ve had to say lately. I have been watching, learning and doing a lot of reflecting this year. However, I’ve recently read a book that has inspired me to write again. “Mathematical Mindsets” by Jo Boaler.

Relax, this isn’t a blog about math…although that is right up my alley and you should be prepared for one soon.

This book is one of the best professional books I’ve read in a long time – and I read a lot of books about teaching and learning. It is an excellent piece of work discussing our misfortune for having learned math the way we did (yes, all of us) and the urgent need for us to rethink how we are currently teaching math.

This is not about “new math” vs. the rigors of time table memorization. It’s about how we see ourselves as learners of math and as mathematical thinkers based on our experiences in school. I’d better leave it at that for now or this will be a rant and not a blog.

As terrific as this book is at shedding light on why and how we should be teaching math better, it is also a book about mindsets. You’ve all heard me recommend the book “Mindsets” by Carol Dweck. If you haven’t then you need to come borrow a copy from me. I have several in my office.

Here’s the thing…

Our mindset is everything. How we see ourselves in a growth or fixed mindset really determines how we live our lives and how rewarding or miserable our circumstances feel.

Someone with a fixed mindset believes in things like luck or talent to explain success. They see others as “having a math mind” for example or see themselves as “not a reader”. Fixed mindset students struggle terribly in school. They feel that if they don’t get it right away they must be stupid. They feel if others do get it’s because they must be smart. Neither of these beliefs are true by the way.

It was not surprising to read Jo Boaler’s research on children with negative fixed mindsets and how damaging that is in school. (Also not surprising to learn how often we reinforce that mindset with closed, one answer questions in math. Again, that’s another blog.)

The more interesting finding was that high achievers can and do often also have fixed mindsets. In particular kids who excel at computational math (mad minutes and worksheets for example). These kids have never experienced “not getting it”. They believe they are smart because they never get answers incorrect. That is as damaging a mindset as those who believe they are stupid. Seriously.

Learning means you have to “not get” something in order to learn something new. If your child didn’t get a single question wrong at school then we are doing them a disservice. That means they learned nothing new. We need to be presenting your kids with more open ended questions rather than ones requiring memorized answers. One needs to struggle to learn. One needs to have the mindset to persevere through the struggle in order to grow neurons and connect synapses. I equate it with watching work out videos. If I only watch I will never put in the work – which is uncomfortable- that will help grow muscles. Learning is uncomfortable. Most good things require a little discomfort.

In her research Professor Boaler learned that the brain actually learns more from getting answers wrong then from getting them right and, after making a mistake, brain activity is greater for individuals with a growth mindset then for individuals with a fixed mindset.

We should value mistakes more than we value correct answers. Talk about a mindset shift! All of us need to encourage our kids to make mistakes and to learn from those mistakes, talk about their strategy to try again, and encourage them to build perseverance and grit as learners. How we think of ourselves as learners really does affect how we approach our whole lives – what job we go for, what partner we choose, how we value ourselves and others.

Valuing mistakes would certainly be a good start in helping all of us to see our potential as learners in every aspect of life.

Talk again soon.



Be the change you want to see…


How do you take action?

I found this quote today – It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. It may not be in your power, it may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

This is so true of the effect we have on children, as parents, as educators, as adults.

I have had past students approach me, years after having taught them, to tell me about some way that I impacted their lives. The truly shocking part is that often I don’t even remember the thing they are talking about. It may have been an encouraging word, some extra time one on one, a smile or some small kindness that changed their day. It’s humbling. However, the flip side to that is a little darker. How many times did an incidental action have a negative impact? Did I have a cranky day and was I abrupt with a student? Did I make a sarcastic comment that hurt them? Was I unkind to an already vulnerable child? It would be arrogant to think otherwise. If I can have no clue of the powerful positive impact I have had, you can be sure I am equally unaware of negative impacts as well.

Having said that, I’m more mindful, purposeful, and careful with how I handle people and interactions. That comes with experience and awareness. I still mess up, everyday, but that doesn’t stop me from trying my best to do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons.

I have a great passion for education. I see the way things have always been and the way things currently are – but I also see how things could be. I believe it’s the action that’s important. I don’t know if I will ever see the fruit of my action, but that’s not what motivates me. What motivates me is the idea that without my efforts, guaranteed there will be no change. I will make an effort, I will take action when it comes to kids and parents and learning. I want things to be better, not because it’s not ok already, but because I am not here to maintain the status quo.

What are you passionate about? How do you take action? What difference will you make – whether you know it or not?

Be the change you want to see in the world (Gandhi again)… because being the change is rewarding enough.


The only constant is change.


Heraclitus the Greek philosopher said, “The only thing that is constant is change”.  In fairness, I heard it first when Bon Jovi said “The more things change the more they stay the same”. However the one place that stays the same and even resists change seems to be school. When I say school I don’t mean education.

Being educated and getting an education has changed. Our needs have changed as learners. Our way of learning has changed. Society’s expectation for learners has changed. Teachers are no longer the holders of all information because kids of every age can Google every fact they want to know. Teachers have needed to reinvent themselves and their role in learning.

On top of all that, this isn’t the information age. It’s the misinformation age. There is a lot of garbage on the internet – that place we can Google our facts. Learners (all of us) need to learn how to first find and then evaluate the desired information. Learners need to critically think and question their world. We all need to learn how to problem solve, work with others, communicate and learn from our mistakes.

I was at a conference this weekend called DisruptEd – coming together to talk about how to do school differently. The keynote speaker, David Helfland from Quest University in Squamish said, “A university education today is excellent preparation for a job in the 19th century”. He also said, “The purpose of teaching is not to transfer content but to teach the habits of the mind.” This university is rethinking what “school” looks like in order to provide the best education for students in the 21 Century.

At this conference many of us presented about pockets of innovation in the province – ways we are doing school differently. However, by and large, school looks the same now as it did 100 years ago. Individual classrooms, filled with students of the same age being presented with the same curriculum. Almost everything else in society has changed in the last 100 years due to technology…except school. Technology really hasn’t changed schools. Smart boards have largely replaced blackboards, and there are computer labs but those tools are mostly used to do the same thing as textbooks and encyclopedias.

One presenter said the reason the school system has not changed is that there is a social contract. Society expects school to look this way and it’s our job to keep our end of the contract. I’m not so sure that is our job.

Here’s the thing…

I think parents are smarter than they are given credit for. For the past 6 years as a teacher I did school differently and the parents of those kids are some of my biggest supporters and advocates. They didn’t necessarily start out as fans, but our social contract included trust and respect. The parents of my students trusted that I have spent a great deal of time researching and thinking about teaching and learning, and I respected them enough to explain my thinking.  I explained the “why” behind the choices I made in my classroom, they were able to understand and even embrace the different way we did things. They could see their children being engaged in and excited about learning. Their kids were also told the reasons behind everything we did in our class and those kids felt empowered. They had choice, they were free to challenge and question and own their learning.

I appreciate that change can be scary – I mean these are our children we are talking about. I think not changing is scarier. Change is a universal constant according to Heraclitus and Bon Jovi, so if everything but “school” is changing, where does that leave us? There has never been a more exciting time to be in education. I’m excited about the possibilities.


What is fair?


What is fair? We have a deeply ingrained sense of justice and it often appears as though sameness is the desired outcome. Is it really?

From a young age, kids are aware of how many smarties each person gets, or who gets to sit in the front seat – we all want our fair share. We all want the same. However, what we all need in order to be successful in life is not going to be the same. The goal of being successful – however that looks for each person – is the same. What you need in order to reach that goal will not be the same for any two adults, let alone any two children.

We are diverse and interesting community. I was at a community event today with my daughter and was struck by the variety of people who came to enjoy an afternoon activity with our kids. The people who make this community their home are not homogeneous. There is a wide variety of lifestyles, clothing styles, hair styles, parenting styles, interests and belief systems among us in this little town. Our classrooms and schools are reflections of this. Kids come to us with different background experiences and different learning, social and emotional needs each day. Let’s embrace each other’s wonderful complexity and look for individual and personal ways to meet the needs of those around us… Fair is not everyone getting the same, but everyone getting what they need in order to be successful.

Being truly fair when managing a classroom or school – or your children’s bedtime routines – means taking into account more than just rules. It means considering what each person needs and how to give them what they need in order to be successful. Finding consequences that allow people to have dignity, to learn from their mistake and to move forward allows us to be human and have compassion rather then simply being punitive. Beginning with common expectations is key, but how we deal with individuals who aren’t able to meet those expectations says as much about us as it does about them.

Would you go to a doctor who treated every headache the same way? Of course not. A headache could be cause by anything from allergies to a tumor. Treating all patients the same would be malpractice. What situations can you think of where it’s important to not treat everyone the same in order to be fair? Does your older child have different bed time? When your partner is sick do you do more of the chores? Does the coach differentiate drills in practice in order to encourage new athletes and challenge more experienced ones? Does the teacher give more time and fewer questions to a student with a learning disability?

Being truly fair is harder and requires more work in the short term than just treating everyone the same. In the long run, it saves time and is more effective. And when it comes to treating everyone the same, every child deserves a lot better than that.


How full is your bucket?


There’s this great book about self-esteem and personal power called “How full is your bucket?” by  Tom Rath.

The idea of the book is that we all have a bucket (our sense of self) and when it’s “full”, that means we are feeling good about ourselves, feeling safe, feeling like we belong. Unfortunately our bucket can be emptied by lots of things. Put downs, being left out, being ignored, feeling dumb, feeling scared…the list goes on. When our bucket is empty, we sometimes try to fill it up by emptying someone else’s bucket. We feel like we can get back our power by taking away someone else’s. We have all done this. We have all had it done to us. No one feels better for long. Not really.

The good news is, the easiest way to fill your bucket is to fill someone else’s. Help someone less fortunate. A smile can change someone’s day. Ask a friend to join you on a walk. Let someone know you appreciate them. Do a good job, not for the praise, but because it feels really good to take pride in your work.

Here’s the thing…

Our personal power, child or adult, doesn’t come from controlling, putting down or hurting others. When we see people who are mean or negative or aggressive, it’s important to remember that they aren’t really feeling powerful and their bucket is likely empty. Then it’s important to wonder why that person is feeling so empty. It’s not ok for anyone to try to build themselves up by putting you down. When someone puts us down we have conflict resolution, restorative justice, mediation and a variety of other strategies and structures in place to deal with the conflict. But the empathy we can offer – while holding firm personal boundaries – is a gift.

People who feel good about themselves don’t feel the need to belittle, laugh at or put down others. When someone disagrees with or doesn’t understand another person, the appropriate thing is to share differing opinions, have an open mind, work together to find conflict resolution or agree to disagree.

Today is thanksgiving. I’m really thankful that I have learned that others don’t decide about how I feel about myself – good or bad. If I’m feeling badly about myself it’s because I’m choosing that mindset. I can choose how to get out of that mindset too. We all can. I’m proud that we are teaching the students in our school the same lesson.

I saw a great quote today. Gratitude – the thing that makes what you have – enough. I’m grateful for so much in my life.  This new challenging job, for working with amazing people (staff, students, parents) and for being back in the town I grew up in.

Happy Thanksgiving.


What are you afraid of?


What are you afraid of?

We all have fears. Mine? Snakes. Even pictures of them. Heights – not just the falling. Roller coasters and Ferris Wheels are terrifying for me.  I’m no fun at Silverwood.

None of these fears come close to my fear of messing up as a parent. The fear of messing up as a teacher and principal come close because nothing matters more than the affect we leave when we interact with kids. The responsibility is overwhelming sometimes.

I’m a single parent as many of us are, but a parent is a parent. We all do our best. That’s all we can do with each moment, each decision and each word we choose.

Here’s the thing…

There is no manual for parenting, so it was no surprise to learn there is no manual for being a principal either. The decisions I make here are much like my parenting ones. I try to make the right decision at the right time for the right reasons.

I have met hundreds of parents under a variety of circumstances. As you can imagine, I have met people from all walks of life – each with different priorities, interests and points of view. The only common denominator with each of these parents is that they are absolutely doing their best in that moment for their child.

Change is up there with a big fear for all of us. Just when you think you get a handle on one set of circumstances things go and change. You just get used to managing a baby and they start walking. You just get a handle on the toddler years and they start school. Primary school just starts being comfortable and they move to intermediate school. You get used to one teacher or principal and suddenly everything changes. Change is scary, but inevitable so hang in there. Ask questions. Be curious. Share your thinking.

We are all doing our best. I know that every parent I have ever met is doing their best. You are doing a good job! And all without a manual.


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